Lead Generation

Case Studies: How Contractors Have Benefited from Professional Marketing Services

Marshall Wilkinson
June 18, 2024
Case Studies: How Contractors Have Benefited from Professional Marketing Services


Professional marketing services can transform a contractor's business. At Construct, we've helped numerous contractors achieve remarkable results. Here are some case studies that highlight the impact of our marketing services.

Case Study 1: Increasing Leads for a General Contractor

A general contractor approached us with a need for more leads. We revamped their website, implemented a targeted SEO strategy, and managed their social media profiles. Within six months, their leads increased by 50%, resulting in significant revenue growth.

Case Study 2: Brand Refresh for a Family-Owned Business

A family-owned construction company wanted to modernize their brand. We developed a new logo, updated their website, and created a comprehensive branding strategy. The refreshed brand helped them attract higher-end clients and boosted their reputation in the community.

Case Study 3: Social Media Success for a Landscaping Contractor

A landscaping contractor struggled with social media engagement. We created a content calendar, produced engaging posts, and ran targeted ads. Their social media following grew by 30%, and they saw a noticeable increase in inquiries and bookings.


These case studies demonstrate the power of professional marketing services for contractors. At Construct, we're committed to helping you achieve similar success. Contact us to learn more about how our marketing solutions can benefit your construction business.

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